Sunday, December 30, 2007
Another christmas gift from my relatives in Australia. My cousins bought me the Australian PC World Magazine and my uncle and auntie got me Lindor chocolates. I love chocolates...yummy yummy! As for the magazine, I just read it half-way. Mostly, the content is about the various IT products available in the market and there is a CD with quite a few programs bundled.

- PC World magazine and chocolates
This is a special bundled gift set which you normally won't buy for someone as a gift. Guess what? There are coffee, cereal drink and biscuits my sister bought for my dad as Christmas present. Well, her feedback was she noticed Dad does not have any food stored in office and wanted to give him these food for him to enjoy during break-time.

- Tibits, coffee and cereal drink from my sis to my dad
Yesterday, I was at home watching some TV shows and chanced upon the following programme from KBS World. It is a variety show named "2007 China-Korea Song Festival". A programme to promote friendship between Korea and China. When the showing was ending, DongBangShinki (a korean boy band) was the last few performances. Suddenly, I remembered my colleague liked this band and immediately took out my handphone to record the show. They performed 2 shows . To those DBSK fans, here are their performances, sorry for the poor quality coz I took it using my lousy phone:
- Perfomance 1
- Performance 2
Simplicity is Freedom.
created my post at 7:17 PM
Friday, December 28, 2007
I am looking forward for the new Sims 2 Expansion Pack: Freetime in February 2008. Now, the characters can enjoy new hobbies like ballets, birds sight-seeing or even cooking contests. These are simply good hobbies for the rich Sims (well, I refer to those who got their rich unreliable sources (cheat codes) and don't work but slack at home)
Yes, and the only ones who are just as crazy about Sims is my colleague, Joanne and my cousin, Agnes. They are the only 2 of them who share the same hobby as me on The Sims 2 game. It was always very exciting to hear from Joanne on the different features in the Sims 2 game...yup, she read a lot of stuff from the forums and know so much stuff in the game which I don't even notice when I play it. Kudos to her for all the information! Even I purchased the Open for Business expansion pack earlier than her (if I don't remember wrongly), her Sim chareacter was the first to "hit" the maximum promotion level for the home-based business. Well, I only managed to promote until level 4 only and my PC reformatted again.
A pic on the christmas gifts I received from office:

- Monitor cleanerX2, chocolates, Hello Kitty mini bag, mini cake towel
I have updated photo of the Fish and chips I ate at Manhattan Fish Market in my earlier post. There is also another picture of the crayfish platter my friend had. Heard from the waiter it was only offered for Christmas season.
Just before Christmas, my sister treated me to Fish & Co. at AMK hub. It was my second time trying the lunch menu. We had a seafood and fish platter for two persons, which comes with Soup of the Day and salad. Thanks jessie for your meal~

- Soup of the Day: Clam chowder

- Salad, yummy yummy!

- My sis enjoying her soup while looking at the platter served piping hot!
Simplicity is Freedom.
created my post at 2:23 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
As the end of the year is approaching, I am also on a long long break from work, enjoying Christmas and the coming New Year 2008. My food menu for the week:
1) Christmas Eve: Manhattan Fish Market@ The Central & TCC

- The famous fish and chips

- Crayfish platter offered only on Christmas season
2) Christmas Day: At Home which was prepared with my sis

- A christmas dinner at home
3) Boxing Day: Sushi Tei

- My first visit at newly-opened Sushi Tei branch
4) 2 days after Christmas: Hansang Korean Family restaurant & Donut Factory

- Korean meal for lunch

- Donuts for tea break
Already saliva drooping from your mouth? Argh...I think I will declare bankrupt if I continue to eat like this!! At least, I finally tried japanese food at Sushi Tei, Korean food at authentic restaurant, donuts from the famous donut shop! So many first time~ Yeah....Merry Christmas to all!
Simplicity is Freedom.
created my post at 11:25 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007 last party of the year was my Department Year End Party at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel at Cafe Brio's last Friday. It was an international buffet dinner with puzzle games and christmas gift exchange. The door gifts for this party were a 2008 calendar and a mini fan. As for the gift exchange, the gift I was supposed to buy for a colleague was a cushion. By right, she was supposed to write down 3 wishlists but she only wrote one! Die Die muz get a cushion loh ! Luckily, I found a suitable one at Precious Thots promotion at Junction 8 atrium.
As for my own wishlist, top on the list I asked for was a Transformers movie DVD (china-import). The other two are common requests like vouchers and chocolates. Well, with a budget of $10, it was not easy to think of a gift I want. When the committee asked us to write down our wishlist, I happened to walk past the TS Video shop near my workplace that afternoon. Something that fits the budget was the Transformers DVD. I just watched the DVD movie on my DVD player. It is good DVD-quality and it offers dual sounds + dual subtitles.
With such good quality for a DVD9 video, if I saw any china-import Hairspray DVD selling at $9.90, I will sure want to get it too!

- first gift for Christmas!
Simplicity is Freedom.
created my post at 2:15 PM
Saturday, December 01, 2007
The last month of the year! I love December coz it represents holiday is coming. I took leave yesterday 1) to clear my off day, 2) to rest and 3) Visiting the Sitex Show at Expo at "off-peak" hours.
Results: I bought 2 HP black ink printer cartridges at ard $40, which comes with a free $5 NTUC voucher. Before starting my shopping, had lunch at this ramen cafe at $8.80 ($0.80 for 10% service charge, I don't think it worth it).
My visit to Expo ended off at the John Little Expo sale, which is held just beside the Sitex Show. Bought one Esprit T-shirt for my sis (see pic below), myself a T-shirt too, and one black pants. Got two packets of shortbread cookies too which the promoter told me it is a new product imported from USA. I have spent almost $140 in all which I think it was a good bargain. Haha...btw, if you want to know how much I pay for the shirt below, ask ME directly!! Hahaha \\^_^//
I am always eager to visit all the different IT shows every year and wanted to get something from there. Seriously, my digital cameras (old or new), printer, printer cartridges and even photo paper are bought from IT shows. I always think the bargains are good. But now, since I have all the stuff now, I have nothing to buy anymore and the IT shows become a place for me to see-see only and replenish whatever computer supplies I am lacking at home. A small-fry buyer being asked to buy laptops by the eager promoters. I have conquered my temptation to buy any computers anymore. I have 4 monitors, 3 desktops CPUs, 2 printers, 1 laptop and 1 scanner at home. Almost going to become IT karang-guni already! I will try to remove those things I don't want at the 6 or 7-years-old scanner and printer...which I dun even know if it is working or not. Karang-guni, do you want it?

- The Esprit Tee I bought for my sis
I asked my sis to try the T-shirt and she still sarcastically asked me, "This is not your size. For me, is it?". I was abit pissed off and I told her it was for her, but then if it does not fit her, I will just give it to someone else. Well, I mean, she feels very suspicious of me getting her a gift for no reason...and that makes me pissed off. Be appreciative that I got something for you ok?
Check out the flat-screen CRT monitor my cousin gave me. I would say the color display is much better than my Philips LCD monitor. Too bad my sister does not really appreciate it since she got her laptop. But, never mind coz I am going to use it to try on some of the PC games which I have bought recently. Waiting for the seller to mail me soon. I have got 3.5 days leave to be used by end of the month. Maybe I will take a day or two leave to try out the games at home.

- New monitor for my computer
Simplicity is Freedom.
created my post at 11:38 PM